English - Braille dictionaries - Seeing Hands

Dictionaries available

NameDescriptionWords defined
Wiktionary, largeWiktionary is a collaborative dictionary that anyone can edit. It is a particularly large dictionary. The large version includes more information about many words, including etymology, pronunciation, and thesaurus information. The files for this dictionary are unusually large.1284214
Wiktionary, conciseWiktionary is a collaborative dictionary that anyone can edit. It is a particularly large dictionary. The concise version includes only definitions.1284214
Wiktionary in simple English, largeWiktionary is a collaborative dictionary that anyone can edit. The simple English version contains fewer words than the normal version, and definitions are written in more easily understood language. The large version includes more information about many words, including etymology, pronunciation, and thesaurus information.46391
Wiktionary in simple English, conciseWiktionary is a collaborative dictionary that anyone can edit. The simple English version contains fewer words than the normal version, and definitions are written in more easily understood language. The concise version includes only definitions.46391
Webster's International Dictionary (1913 version)Webster's International Dictionary (officially Webster's New International Dictionary) is a professionally-produced dictionary which is now in the public domain. Definitions in this dictionary will be more curated than those in collaborative versions such as Wiktionary, but definitions will use older language and modern words are not present.95802
Basic English Thesaurus (from Wiktionary)The thesaurus from Wiktionary is not as complete as the dictionary, but it generally provides synonyms, antonyms, and other related words for many common terms.2558