News : Braille dictionary project - Seeing Hands


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News about the project

Dictionaries in Italian and some plans for the future

February 20, 2024

Dictionaries in Italian

We are happy to announce that we have added an Italian dictionary and Italian site translation. Thanks to some deeply appreciated assistance from our translators, this brings our language total to four, not that we plan to stop here. We always suggest that, if there is a language you would like to see this project translated into, tell us about it. Even if you can't translate for us, it is helpful to know what languages are most in demand. The same is true if you have other devices we don't support yet or suggestions for how this project could be better, we're always listening.

What's coming next?

We have several plans for how to improve this project in 2025. While we try not to promise anything until we know we can deliver, we are confident in promising a few more languages will be added and a few other Braille displays will have recommended formats. We're also planning on keeping all these dictionaries up to date, at least for those, such as Wiktionary, that receive continuing updates.

Most of the updates that we provide come from suggestions or assistance from individuals or organizations that believe in the benefits of this project. We have made some new friends, and we are excited to introduce you to them as they allow us to bring new and better dictionaries to you. If you know a way we can improve, we always appreciate a suggestion or offer to contribute.

New dictionaries and new possibilities

October 20, 2024

We are happy to announce that this project has gone multilingual and has added some useful additions.

Dictionaries added in Spanish and Portuguese

With this update, we've moved from having one language to three, and more are on the way. Right now, we don't have as many options in Spanish and Portuguese as we have in English, but this is something we are working on. For now, we do have full dictionaries for both languages. We also have translations of this site into Spanish and Portuguese, so no knowledge of English is needed to find the dictionary you're looking for.

Tips and tricks for using the dictionaries

Every dictionary page has suggested formats for quite a few Braille displays, but now, we also have suggestions for how to read them for some devices. If you're wondering why we suggest a certain format or if there are faster ways, check your device on any dictionary page. If we have suggestions, you will find a link to them next to the suggested format. If you have any tips about a device that you think would be useful to others, tell us about them and we would be happy to make them available.

New announcements list for getting updates

If you're waiting to hear about new languages, changes to the site, or new projects, we have added an email list for subscribing to updates. This is just an announcement list from us and will be pretty quiet, but it is a great way of hearing when we've made something new. You can find the subscribe information at the top of the news page.


We'd like to thank our translators for making this site and the dictionary instructions available in as many languages as we can. Their efforts are deeply appreciated by all of us at Seeing Hands and everyone who will be using this project in other languages.

We would also like to thank all of the users who have sent feedback, whether requesting another language, helping us find formats for a new device, or just letting us know what this project means to you. We read and respond to any message you send and we're always happy to hear from you.

First public release

August 1, 2024

What we have

Over the past couple months, we at Seeing Hands have been building Braille-oriented dictionaries. We are happy to announce that our work is now available for the public. This launch has many of the things that we wanted to get, but it's by no means the end of this project. We hope that you will find these dictionaries useful, and know that we're still working on more options, better formats, and more devices supported.

Where we're going

We already know some of the things that need to be on our roadmap for the near future. Here's a quick overview of what we hope to deliver soon.


First and foremost, we'd like to thank our team of testers. From the start of this project in May, we've had many testing versions to see how well certain formats work. A lot of where we are today is due to great feedback from them. To all of our 13-person testing team, we at Seeing Hands are grateful for your help.

We'd also like to thank the users on the Braille display users email list for starting us out on this project.